Geothermal Well Operators Trust RIMBase
RIMBase is the most widely used well lifecycle reporting, business analysis, and information solutions for geothermal operators, assisting them in drilling and completing operational reporting. Available on either cloud service or licensed platforms, the application covers the full daily reporting needs of upstream geothermal operations.
Provides Well Performance Analysis Tools
RIMBase Insights is an analytics platform designed to leverage the value of report data allowing users to measure well performance of repetitive operations over time and compare with similar wells. Future well performance can be measured against established baseline performance metrics for customer-defined performance categories. Performance data is easily entered as part of the daily reporting process providing the operational management team with powerful output reporting and visualization tools for data analysis.

Choose From Cloud or Licensed Solutions

Cloud Service Benefits

Licensed Solution Benefits
The Power of RIMBase

General Features
A tightly integrated package of features for collection, distribution, and analysis of data for all aspects of well construction, completion, and intervention. Built-in flexibility allows the application to be configured to meet your needs.

Reports and Dashboards
Rig report data is organized to maximize its value for the user. Data visualization tools are used to give maximum impact for analysis purposes.

Performance Analytics
RIMBase Insights allows users full configuration flexibility in deciding which operational tasks they wish to track. Well performance metrics can be improved by understanding how efficiently various repetitive tasks are performed on wells in the same region.
Additional Solutions

Automated Report Distribution
RIMBase Reporter streamlines the report distribution process and frees up operations support personnel for more productive tasks. Daily Reports can be configured for automatic distribution to email recipients or network printers.

Data Sharing
RIMBase Sync automatically transfers pre-defined data to other enterprise information systems resulting in major improvements in data handling efficiencies and data accuracy. Content customizable for each customer.

80% of Geothermal Operators
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